ByNichol Dinan


White Chiffon Tab shirt, Atmosphere Navy Skater skirt, Accessorize Necklace, Boohoo Wooden Heel Sandals Its been so long since I last posted. I had hoarded so many items of clothing over the years that it became impossible to find anything. I have banned myself from buyingRead More

Jason Pure Natural Deodorant Stick

ByNichol Dinan

Jason Pure Natural Deodorant Stick

I have tried quite a few different natural deodorants and I have to say I really like these. They don't leave super obvious white marks like some natural deodorants do and they defiantly do what they are suppose to! Of course as they are a natural deodorant, they tend to sitRead More

Lavera Basis Sensitive Skin Care Range

ByNichol Dinan

Lavera Basis Sensitive Skin Care Range

As I've previously mentioned, I absolutely love Lavera! I've been using their sensitive skincare products for about three years now. I have very sensitive skin that can break out in a rash easily and have had absolutely no problems with these products. There are a lot moreRead More


ByNichol Dinan


River Island lace shirt, Boohoo wet look skirt Irregular Choice Bag Read More

Actually Naturally No Poo Shampoo Bars

ByNichol Dinan

Actually Naturally No Poo Shampoo Bars

So I've been "no poo" for over a year and a half now. I will go into my full routine of how I wash and take care of my hair in another post, but I thought I'd share my experience with some shampoo bars I haveRead More


ByNichol Dinan


New Look Ponte dress, Infinity necklace, Irregular Choice Bag, Office faux suede heels  Read More

Lavera Express Care Leave-in Conditioner and Repair & Care Hair Serum

ByNichol Dinan

Lavera Express Care Leave-in Conditioner and Repair & Care Hair Serum

I love Lavera, its one of my favorite skincare brands. A little while ago they released a couple of organic hair care products. I new I had to try them and as they were fairly priced at £6.95 each I bought them straight away. AsRead More